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HG Facts

Hyperemesis Gravidarum rarely ends at 12 weeks of pregnancy. It typically improves in the middle of pregnancy, but symptoms often last until birth. 

Get help now

‘I couldn’t believe it when I found out that there was a charity that deals with HG. I actually broke down, at last what I had seemed valid.’ - a hyperemesis gravidarum sufferer

Policies and Guidelines

In order to enable a professional and effective service to women suffering and their carers we have produced a number of policies and guidelines for volunteers to enhance their work with us and ensure safe practice.

Below are a number of documents which you should familiarise yourself with and can refer back to as and when required.

We appreciate that the language used, such as "service users" may seem unfamiliar to the context of support work but for the sake of clarity and efficiency such terms are deemed necessary. HG Ireland recognises that after a period of support has ended between a supporter and a sufferer a good friendship may develop and we do not wish to discourage this by promoting a professional relationship during the period of support. We naturally encourage friendships between volunteers also.

If you have any questions or need any points within these documents clarifying then please do not hesitate to contact the Support Coordinator. Further, if there are any other policies or guidance you would like us to produce to better enable you in your volunteer role with us please get in touch and let us know.


Confidentiality Policy

Communication Policy

Lone Working Policy

Compliments, Comments and Complaints Policy


What good Peer Support looks like

Boundaries guidance

Active listening skills guidance

Support network guidance leaflet

Facebook and online support guidance - coming soon

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